shifting with children

Shifting Homes with Children: Tips for a Fun and Fuss-Free Relocation with Young Ones

November 17, 2023

Relocating to a new home can be a daunting task. When you add children into the mix, the challenge increases exponentially. But fear not, we're here to provide you with the ultimate guide on how to ensure your relocation with young ones is as seamless, fun, and fuss-free as possible.

You can also read our blog on 5 Ways to Save Money during your Move to know how to saave money on your next move.

Planning Ahead is Key

To ensure a smooth move, start preparations early. This means decluttering unnecessary items, packing non-essentials weeks in advance, and discussing the move with your children. By doing so, you'll avoid last-minute chaos and give your children enough time to process and adjust to the idea of moving.

Involving Children in the Process

One of the most effective ways to ease the transition is to involve your children in the moving process. This can include:

  • Letting them pack their toys and belongings
  • Allowing them to choose the color of their new room
  • Taking them on a tour of the new neighborhood
  • Involvement makes children feel more in control, reducing feelings of anxiety or resistance.

Create a Moving Day Kit

Children, especially younger ones, need their comfort items. Put together a 'moving day kit' with essentials such as:

  • A favorite toy or blanket
  • Snacks and drinks
  • Coloring books and crayons
  • A change of clothes

Having these items on hand can help alleviate the stress and boredom that might arise on moving day.

Prioritize Safety

Safety should always be at the forefront of any move. Childproof your new home before your child explores. This means:

  • Securing heavy furniture to the walls
  • Installing safety gates and covers
  • Checking the house for any potential hazards

Organize Fun Breaks

Moving can be exhausting for everyone involved. Scheduling fun breaks can make a world of difference. Whether it's a short playtime after a few hours of unpacking or a picnic in the new backyard, these breaks can rejuvenate and motivate the entire family.

Keep a Consistent Routine

Children thrive on routine. As much as possible, try to maintain their daily routines. This includes mealtimes, nap times, and bedtime. Consistency can help them adjust faster and provide a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of moving.

Stay Positive and Patient

Children pick up on the emotions of the adults around them. By staying positive and patient, you can set the tone for an optimistic moving experience. Reiterate the exciting aspects of the new home and the adventures that await.

Seek Support

There's no shame in seeking help. Hiring professional movers, asking friends or family for assistance, or even seeking emotional support can make the move more manageable. Sharing the load ensures that you're not overwhelmed and can focus on making the transition smooth for your children.

Explore the New Neighborhood Together

Once you're settled in, explore your new surroundings as a family. Visit local parks, libraries, or community centers. Familiarizing your children with their new environment can help them feel more at home.

Celebrate the New Beginnings

Finally, after all the boxes are unpacked and you're settling in, take a moment to celebrate. Throw a small housewarming party, bake a cake, or simply enjoy a movie night in your new living room. Celebrations can mark the end of the moving process and the beginning of a new chapter in your lives.

In conclusion, while shifting homes with children can be a challenge, with the right approach and mindset, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. By following the tips we've outlined above, you're on your way to ensuring a seamless transition for your entire family. Always keep yourself updated about the children safety measures to avoid any kind of mishappenings.